My name is Aiyanna Mitchell, a Mille Lacs Band member descendant, and I am currently an intern at Mille Lacs Band Health and Human Services for one of my college requirements to graduate for my bachelor’s degree. I really enjoy interning with HHS because it opens doors for more opportunities, and every day, I learn something new. My internship is currently paid, and it gives me good insight on what type of job I may want in the future. The internship also gives me the opportunity to complete school work and attend training towards my education. I have been working in a wide range of different fields and seeing the different places I may want to continue my education.

Internships serve as stepping stones towards a fulfilling career, as it allows the intern to gain hands-on experience in their chosen field. As an intern, I have become an integral part of a dynamic and multifaceted organization dedicated to improving the well-being of individuals and communities. Through assignments and projects, I have gained first-hand experience in various departments, such as public health, social services, and health care policy.

Interning at HHS exposes interns to a wide range of programs, initiatives, and services aimed at improving the well-being of individuals and communities. This exposure broadens their understanding of the diverse needs and challenges faced by society, enhancing their empathy and compassion. By working alongside professionals in the field, interns gain a comprehensive view of the vital role of HHS.

This hands-on experience allows interns to apply knowledge gained in their academic studies and develop practical skills. Every new task or challenge brings a chance to learn, grow, and develop a deeper understanding of the field. One of the most rewarding aspects of interning at HHS for me is the opportunity to make meaningful contributions that positively impact individuals and communities. Whether it's participating in public health campaigns, assisting in the development of health care programs, or supporting initiatives to address social disparities, efforts as an intern can create a lasting difference.

My internship has also provided the opportunity to connect with professionals from diverse backgrounds. These connections can prove invaluable in the future, both for job opportunities and for accessing a supportive network within the field. Building relationships with professionals during the internship can lead to mentorship opportunities, references, and even potential job offers down the line. The internship program allows opportunity to interact with experienced professionals who are passionate about their work and eager to guide and support your growth. Engaging with mentors who have diverse backgrounds and expertise can provide invaluable insights into various career paths.

One of the most significant benefits of interning at HHS is gaining insight into potential career paths. This first-hand exposure helps to identify interests, strengths, and areas for further development. It also offers an opportunity to network with professionals, potentially opening doors to future employment or references.

Internship at HHS provides a structured environment for professional growth. Interns receive mentorship, guidance, and feedback from experienced professionals, allowing development of essential skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. Interns also gain exposure to the ethical considerations and professional standards in the field, which are crucial for their future careers.

From opening doors to future opportunities to providing hands-on experience and personal growth, these internships play a vital role in shaping the careers of individuals in the field of health and human services. An internship at the Department of Health and Human Services is more than just a stepping stone towards a career; it is a transformative experience that allows you to make meaningful contributions, grow both personally and professionally, and develop a deep sense of purpose. By immersing yourself in this dynamic environment, you gain the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the health care and social services landscape, empowering you to shape a brighter future for individuals and communities in need.


