Tribal Police Department dispatch:

888-609-5006; 320-532-3430.

Addiction/Behavioral Health: 800-709-6445, ext. 7776.

Elder Services: 320-532-7854

Emergency Services Loans: 320-532-4163 ext. 1755 or 1757

Food Shelf: 320-362-4672

Waivered Services: 320-362-0027

Heating, water, or other home-related maintenance problems: If you live in a Mille Lacs Band Housing-maintained home, call our Customer Service Representative at one of the following on-call numbers:

District I and IIa: 320-630-2498.

District II: 320-630-2492.

District III: 320-630-2497.

Emergency Management Services:

24-hour fire, disaster, and emergency management response:

Monte Fronk, Emergency Management Coordinator: 320-362-0435.

Community Support Services:

Family Violence Prevention.

District I: 320-532-4163 ext. 7793

District II: 320-630-7666

District III: 320-630-2691

24 Hour Crisis Line: 866-867-4006

Batterers Intervention: 320-532-4163 ext. 7793

Mille Lacs Band Family Services: 320-532-4163, ext. 1714

On-Call Social Worker/After Hours Emergency: 320-630-2444.

Need Help?

If you or someone you know is injured or in immediate danger, call 911 first.


The Mille Lacs Band Tribal Police Department’s anonymous drug tip line is 320-630-2458. Feel free to leave voicemails and/or text messages. If you would like a call back, be sure to leave your name and phone number. In case of emergency, dial 911.