Under the direction and guidance of Nah Ah Shing High School Social Studies and Band Elective teach Joseph Covert the all new NAS Band gave an outstanding performance at the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Higher Education Achievement Awards dinner on June 15, 2023, in front of hundreds of people at Grand Casino Hinckley. This was their first performance of this magnitude and the students rocked it! Congratulations to each and every one of them. See more photos at Inaajimowin.com/photogalleries

By Inaajimowin Staff

During the pandemic, many graduates were unable to celebrate completing a major milestone in their lives — graduation. However, now that restrictions are gone, the Mille Lacs Band Education and Higher Education departments collaborated to make up for lost time. A grand celebration to commemorate the successes of graduates from high school and beyond during the timeframe of 2020 through 2023 was held at Grand Casino Hinckley on June 15, 2023.

Graduates and their families attended the event to help celebrate this monumental occasion. The event kicked off with a special treat with a performance by the Nay Ah Shing Singers, a musical group led by high school social studies teacher Joseph Covert, who has been working with the students to teach them to play instruments such as keyboards, guitar, and percussion, as well as singing and performing in front of an audience. The students regularly practice at the Upper School.

Learning to play an instrument and/or sing in front of a crowd takes time, dedication, and mostly courage. But this group of students did not let any form of stage fright come through in their stage presence. This was their first public performance in front of a crowd other than their own school peers. And this group kicked it and rocked it like they owned it.

Chief Executive Melanie Benjamin delivered an inspirational message for the students and their families. She said, “Anishinaabe people are taught that everyone in our community has a part to contribute, whether here on our land or representing our people somewhere else. We live the good life when we serve our community. This life is one that acknowledges all of our connections, human and nonhuman. As Native people, our community has never centered on one person or one thing but how we are able to move together co-dependently. This sacred teaching of responsibility to one another is our strength and is a reminder that we all do better when we all do better.

“As you depart on your next journey, remember that the work and your effort will touch many around you. And when you think about it, you have already touched many. Many are looking up to you today. You have inspired your community immensely, myself included. I hope that we have inspired you in turn to continue becoming the strong leader and relative that you are destined to be.

“Wherever you go next, and whatever you do, remember that you are not alone. If you find yourself in need of inspiration and strength, come back home. And remember that the flourishing community that you helped to create is there to help you in all of your areas.”

Congratulations and best of luck to all graduates.

Commissioner of Education Niiyo Gonzales shared congratulations to all graduates.


