By Val Harrington-Wind, Legislative Branch Chief Communications Officer

The Legislative Branch welcomes Reen Reinhardt as the new Revisor of Statutes, a position established under Title 25. The Revisor's Office serves as an independent office of the Legislative Branch and does not serve solely at the pleasure of any elected official. Of the many duties and responsibilities required of this position, The Revisor’s Office is responsible for compiling updates and publishing Band laws and official acts in accordance with Title 25 of Mille Lacs Band Statutes.

The Revisor also provides the District Representatives with confidential drafting services for proposed legislation and other documents as requested. The Revisor also maintains the Tribal Register for the publication of Band statutes and policies, Acts, Resolutions, Executive Orders, Secretarial Orders, Commissioner’s Orders, Legislative Orders, Chief Executive Orders, Solicitor’s Opinions, and other official notices.

The Revisor regularly interacts with the Secretary-Treasurer/Speaker of the Assembly, District Representatives, Commissioner of Finance, Legislative Counsel, Parliamentarian, and other legislative staff members to achieve the goals and aspirations set by the District Representatives.

Reinhradt summarized her new responsibilities. "As the Revisor of Statutes for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, I will be responsible for assisting in the drafting of bills for the Band Assembly, providing advice as requested, and generally ensuring the Band Statute Books and webpage are accurate and up to date," she said. "Ideally, this role benefits the Band and its members by maintaining consistency in the legislative process and publishing official acts and policies as they are passed." Reinhardt holds her 2024 Juris Doctor degree from Mitchell Hamline School of Law, having completed her undergraduate degree in Legal Studies at Hamiline University in 2021.

Born in Escuintla, Guatemala, Reinhardt was adopted as a baby and grew up in Chanhassen, Minnesota. She is currently living in Falcon Heights, but calls Excelsior her hometown.

When asked what she is most looking forward to with the new job, she said, "I am looking forward to learning more about MLBO, its governance and legislative processes, and finding ways to help wherever I can! I am particularly excited to meet more community members and explore the area as well."

When she is not working, she enjoys music, photography, embroidery, and trivia or visiting with her parents who reside in the West Metro area and her cat Beauty.


