Ready, Set, Go to College


Starting college begins with one step — sometimes one of the scariest steps we will take. It's new, confusing, and involves lots of paperwork. Often times many of us don’t have people in our lives that can show us, or walk with us to get through those first few steps.

Mille Lacs Band Scholarship and Career Counselor Michele Berger knows this first hand. Because of her own journey in education, she stated, “I wanted to become someone who I needed when I started school.” Berger shared that she “wasn’t aware that the Band could help me until my third semester of college. I want this to be different for others wanting to earn a college degree.” Berger’s personal mission is to be helpful, available, to know the answers to questions from Band members (including descendants) and to help others not to be saddled with enormous student loan debt. There is funding out there; we all need help locating grants and scholarships.

Although her life path had ups and downs, Berger made the decision that earning a degree was the road she needed to follow. Her mom was strict, expecting the kids to go to school and learn how to live in two worlds; a cultural world and to learn how to financially make it in the western world. She sees herself as a life-long learner and wants to gain as much experience as she can.

“Because of my college education and the connections I have made with so many people, leaders, and community organizers, I have so many new opportunities to get more broadly engaged in the region. My involvement helps me, my family, and our community. It feels so good to be giving back,” Berger said. She added that she hopes more community members will reach out to her.

See the box below to learn about the steps to seek funding through the Scholarship Program. A few things to keep in mind:

• Full-time student status is 12 credits, but the program can help part-time students.

• If you are unable to complete a FAFSA due to a ‘financial hold’ talk with Michele to explore options. Work with the college you have the ‘hold’ at to work out a payment plan, discuss loan forgiveness or explore the option of a settlement.

• If you have an academic hold on your account, the Band can provide support to you, along with the college.

Berger shared a few tips that have helped her and other students. She stated that underprepared students tend to struggle. Don’t wait until the last minute to decide to go to school and get your paperwork in order. Get registered early and buy your books. She said that it is ok to not know what your major is going to be. It’s ok to focus on your general education degree and give yourself time to explore career options and build your confidence as a student. Be prepared and ask lots of questions. It is okay to "not know" and it is ok to ask! Do your research on the college and try to determine which is going to be the best fit for you and for your family, as you are all in this together. Always know that you can call her, email her and lean on her for support.

As Berger continues to take classes to complete her second degree, still working full-time with students wanting to gain an education, her opportunities for service and leadership continue to open up across the region for her. When asked what the best advice was that she has received, she quoted a woman she met recently when volunteering in Brainerd to help establish the new Warming House Shelter who said “Put your skills and gifts to work where your passion lies.” (Ann Hunnicut) Her personal advice which she tries to live by is to “remember my own self-care and to stay engaged with those that will support me.”

Michele will walk along-side our students, being that person, she needed when she started school years ago.


Fighting for Change


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