Q&A With Legislative Branch Staff - Kiana Morrison

Get to know Kiana Morrison


1. What is your title with Mille Lacs Band Legislative Branch?

My job title is Assistant Band Assembly Clerk.

2. What does working in Legislative mean to you and what do you value most about your engagement with Legislative Branch and Band members?

I have a unique job that I’m always excited to do. I get to learn the process of how the Mille Lacs Band government works and how the legislative body functions within. I like the people I work with. I believe in the work we’re doing. I most value the fact that a lot of the actions we do help the Band as a whole and the work to streamline the legislative process.

3. What motivates you in working in the Legislative Branch?

I am motivated mostly by the fact that a lot of the work we do is to help Band members.

4. What is something significant that you are proud of accomplishing with the Legislative Branch?

I am most proud of getting things updated and out to Band members so they can see and view ordinances and resolutions and actions that not just legislative but the Band as a whole have done. I’m happy we are now live-streaming meetings for members so they can view what goes into this branch. I think the more we get comfortable with things being documented the better it is for all. We all started this process almost four years ago, and to see it come to life is nice.

5. How would you describe the Legislative Branch to a Band Member that may not know about the branch?

I would describe the Legislative Branch to a Band Member as a governing body that works together with the Executive and Judicial branches to pass laws for the Tribe.

6. Is there anything else you would like to share with Band members about you or the Legislative Branch?



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