NAS Students Experience Band Assembly

Five 7th Grade Students from Nay Ah Shing School attended Band Assembly on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. The students were chaperoned by Kristy Vance and Megan Nelson.

"It's important for students to attend Band Assembly. It is important for them to learn and understand the three-branch system of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, and knowing how it operates," said Secretary/Treasurer Sheldon Boyd. "Learning how Band bills are made into law and understanding the transparency of tribal government is crucial for all Band members. Starting to learn at a young age is key."

The students were Fabian Sam, Edriaunna Nadeau, Hayden Nickaboine, Celine Morris, and Damien Churchill. The students were gifted copies of the Mille Lacs Band Statutes to take home presented by Secretary/Treasurer Sheldon Boyd, District II Representative Marvin Bruneau, and District III Representative Wally St. John.


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