Mille Lacs Band Urban Area

Urban Office is a hub of activity

The Mille Lacs Band Urban office connects Band members from Twin Cities Metro area. According to the Enrollments Department, there are 894 Band members who identify as Urban Band members. While distance may set this area apart, the Mille Lacs Band spirit and energy unites them with continued support from the Band community.

Wahbon Spears is the Urban Office Site Director located on Franklin Avenue in Minneapolis. She is constantly on the go with help from Kylee Sawyer, Urban Administrative Assistant. During the month of November, they organized and coordinated several different events and have more in store for the month of December.

"We had a wonderful time with the Veterans for our Veterans Day dinner," Spears said. "It was so nice to be able to sit down and talk with them and thank them for their service."

There were six Band member Veterans and their families in attendance and were gifted maple syrup, wild rice, sweet grass, cedar, sage, chaga, abalone shell and Mille Lacs Band pins and totes, American flags, and some Aanjibimaadizing swag.

Spears also helped to coordinate the charter bus to bring Urban Band members to Mille Lacs for the MLCV fall feast and are now gearing up for the annual holiday party on December 18. Typically, there are 200 to 400 Band members in attendance for the holiday party.

Photos below are from the Urban Area Halloween party. Follow the Urban Office on


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