By Vivian LaMoore, Inaajimowin Editor

Virgil Wind was sworn in on Tuesday, July 9, by the Honorable Chief Justice Rhonda Sam as Chief Executive of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, ushering in a new era of leadership for the Band. Wind replaces Melanie Benjamin, who was first elected as Chief Executive in 2000 and did not seek re-election. Wind previously served as District I Representative, a position he held since 2020.

"This is an important day in the Band’s history. In the last 52 years, the Mille Lacs Band has had only three Tribal leaders - Art Gahbow, Marge Anderson, and Melanie Benjamin," Tadd Johnson said in his opening remarks of the 2024 Inauguration and swearing into office celebration in July. Johnson was the Band's first Solicitor General and joined the staff nearly 40 years ago. "Please take note, America. This is what a peaceful transfer of power looks like."

The Mille Lacs Band also swore in Carolyn Beaulieu to the position of District I Representative, and swore in three members to the Nay Ah Shing School Board: LeAnn Benjamin (Chairperson), Semira Kimpson (DI Board Member), and Sami Thomas (DII Board Member).

Before beginning his official speech, Chief Executive Wind gave a heartfelt thank you to all of those who supported him, not just in his campaign efforts, but to every person in his life, including friends, family, and community members. "The rea- son I put in all of the work and all of the energy I do is because of the things that this community has done for that little guy," he said pointing back at the image projected on the big screen. It was an image of a grade school photo of him as a child. "I wouldn't be here without each and every one of you," said Chief Executive Virgil Wind.

"I stand up here today as a testament to those investments and the hope that was instilled in me over the years. Through out this next phase of my journey, I hope to give that love back to my people. With these supports, there is no telling what what heights we can reach, or how sturdy a foundation we can provide for each other," Wind said. "You see, it is the certainty of the foundation that provides for the beauty and integrity of all that is built upon it. The foundation of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe is our people and our children. It’s you. That’s some- thing that none of us should ever forget."

Wind exemplified his connection to the People by exiting the stage and walking through the crowd nearing the end of his speech. He spoke about change and new beginnings.

"I cannot do this alone. As your leader, I can fight for all the opportunities. I can fight for all the change in the world. But I cannot do this without you. We cannot change without the collective effort of us all," Wind said.

The full text of the acceptance speech of Chief Executive Wind can be found beginning on page 2 and a video can be seen on the Band’s YouTube Chanel at https://youtu.be/ x8wA7yqsWCU.

District I Representative Carolyn Beaulieu spoke briefly after her official swearing-in also with heartfelt gratitude to her family, friends, and community members who supported and encouraged her. “Chi Miigwech to everyone who supported me!” District Representative Carolyn Beaulieu said. “I am really looking forward to these next four years working closely with the Band Assembly and our new Chief Executive. Miigwech!”

Prior to the official swearing-in ceremony, Johnson spoke briefly on some highlights of the Band’s history before intro- ducing Chief Executive Melanie Benjamin highlighting the try triumphs of the Band under Benjamin’s leadership. Chief Executive Elect Virgil Wind also gave tribute and honored Benjamin. “We want to make sure we send her off in a good way and that we really honored and respect where she is. They really are big shoes, and I’ll do my best.” Wind presented her with a blanket.

“Today is a good day,” Benjamin said. “Miigwech to the Manidoog for answering all my prayers for strength. I have al- ways asked for strength and He has given me many blessings. The strength is to carry on and protect who we are all of us as Anishinaabe Mille Lacs Band and give me that strength to fight for our land, our treaty rights, our culture, and making sure we always have that for us to be who we are as Anishinaabe.”

“One of the many things that I am proud about is that we got the Reservation boundary [affirmed] that this is our land and it always will be our land,” Benjamin said. “I appreciate the recognition, but today is about our new elected Chief Executive Virgil Wind. That’s who we are here to celebrate. And all the new elected leaders as wel. Let us all pledge today that we all give these newly elected officials and all of the current elected officials all of our support and all of our power that they need to protect us and move forward.”

The full 2024 Inauguration Ceremony video can be found at https://youtu.be/Cho9YmYiHsk.


