Frybread and Chili Fundraiser

Nothing beats a hot bowl of chili and some fresh homemade frybread on a cold winter day. On Thursday, November 4 at the Old District I Community Center, members of Sober Squad and Wellbrity Group held a fundraiser lunch of frybread and chili to raise funds to support Creating Passions in Recovery — a group that brings art events to people in recovery from substance use disorders. Several art events have been held bringing artists to recovery groups. It has been said that the purpose of art is not to produce a product. Rather the purpose of art is to produce thinking. Producing art can display a particular mood or emotion and/or be relaxing and entertaining.

Participants in the art events are given the tools including a blank canvas, paint, brushes, and instruction by the artist, and left to their own creativity to paint and produce a particular image or scene.


Peer Recovery Specialists Accept Award on Behalf of Sober Squad


Respecting Tribal Governance