By Vivian LaMoore, Inaajimowin Editor

The Child Support offices have moved into a more efficient and remodeled larger space. “It feels like almost twice the size of our old space,” said Director of Child Support Ann Stafford. The Child Support staff consists of five employees: Two Case Managers, Marie Stobb and Kristine Starr, Inter-Jurisdictional Coordinator Melissa Calkins, Financial Specialist Naomi Sam, Office Manager Bev Sutton, and Stafford. The staff simply outgrew the old office space.

The staff are all credited with supporting highly confidential sensitive information. All records created for each individual case are sensitive and classified and must be stored for several years in a fireproof safe filing system behind a two-lock barrier. “This new space has a room designed just for those case files,” Stafford said.

The new offices are located in the old Tribal Court area. Mike Moilanen, Director of Planning and Project Management, said his team is in the process of renovating several Mille Lacs Band government buildings and office spaces, many of which are nearly 30 years old and in need of updates. Ryan Jendro, Project Manager, said the majority of the work was contracted out with only minor projects being performed in-house.

The new Child Support office space is roughly 1,600 square feet in contrast to the nearly 1,100 square feet of the old space. “Roughly 1/3 bigger,” Jendro said.

“We were practically on top of each other in the old space,” Stafford said.

The renovation included cabinets, countertops, and security glass, new energy efficient LED lighting, paint and carpet, ceiling tiles, new doors and door hardware, as well as sound damping treatment between this space and courts. Cubicles were removed and replaced with offices with real walls and doors for increased confidentiality. The old Child Support offices will be remodeled for additional space for offices for the Tribal Court area.

The Child Support Enforcement Program is funded by the U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Support Services. “We were able to capture additional renovation funding from ACF to modify the vacated Tribal Court Office area for the Child Support Team, giving them almost double the workspace from their previous office area, and a large secure file room,” said Brittany Wind, Grants Director.

“We are so appreciative of the added space,” Stafford said.


