By Vivian LaMoore, Inaajimowin Editor

A group of young future scientists from Nay Ah Shing and beyond gathered together for Camp Invention, a summer camp experience designed to hone in on students' creative, inventive, sometimes wild and crazy, experiments and inventions that included the science of sports games, hydroscience, biophysics, and robotics. These possible future scientists currently in grades K-6 from Nay Ah Shing, Onamia, Aitkin, Isle, Milaca, and Brainerd gathered for a week at Camp Invention hosted at Nay Ah Shing from August 13 through 15 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.

Camp Invention is a STEM camp offered through the National Inventor’s Hall of Fame that turns curious kids into creative thinkers. It is a program designed to help build confidence and help kids build creative inventions. They also created new friendships, had a lot of fun, and had the opportunity to think a little outside the box.

In all, 27 students attended. Students who wanted to attend this camp were offered a scholarship funded through the Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures, the Isle Lions Club, and the Onamia Lions Club. Some families fully paid for the program, but any child who wanted to attend received a scholarship.

Brittny Wold, NAS third grade teacher, spearheaded the program this year. “This was my first year being part of the camp and being the camp director,” she said. “I had a bunch of fun being a part of this program. We will be having camp again next year in June but the site is to be determined at a later date. This year we had three leadership volunteers: Adam Cotter, Mercedez Athman, and Harleigh Bost.”

The National Inventor’s Hall of Fame is dedicated to providing fun, hands-on learning experiences that are backed by research and designed to help children become confident, creative problem solvers, and innovators while reducing summer learning loss, improving academic achievement, discovering innovative role models and more!

The students were divided into two groups with each group participating in two invention activities. The first group activity was called “In The Game.” Students explored the design features and specialized materials of a variety of sports balls and then created their own unique ball. Participants upped their game by experimenting with inclined planes and gravitational pull to build a customized, light-up ball game.

The second activity was called “Let’s Glow.” Students explored the science of light and inventions that illuminate to engineer their own one-of-a-kind Glow Box! In the biophysics lab, they investigated how light works in light-emitting diodes (LEDs), fiber optics, and even glowing animals. They then explored ultraviolet (UV) light to uncover the clues behind a mystery hidden in plain sight.

Meanwhile, the second group was focused on their activities. The first was called “Operation HydroDrop.” Students were challenged to explore and solve water challenges around the world. Students collaborated to build inventions ranging from flood control technology and building bridges to water-cleaning devices.

The second group also seemed extremely excited about the “Prototyping Studio” where they designed their own robots through a series of rapid prototyping challenges. Students had the opportunity to work together to refine their invention ideas and protect their Intellectual Property.

When asked if they had any fun during Camp Invention, the immediate response was a rambunctious “Yes!” Students remarked that their favorite part of camp was making new friends, working together, and all the cool stuff they did.


