Band Member Spotlight on Success - Meet Nicole Sawyer


Known for her infectious laugh, stellar work ethic, and dedication to her family, Nicole Sawyer is a walking example of Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures’ (MLCV) seven core values. Throughout her life and career, she has exhibited the qualities of bravery, honesty, humility, truth, wisdom, respect, and love. In this month’s edition of “Spotlight on Success,” you are invited to come along on Nicole’s inspirational journey.

In March, Nicole will celebrate 27 years of service at MLCV and organizations within the portfolio. Early in her career, Nicole held positions as a laundry attendant, an executive receptionist, and an admin in the food and beverage department. In 2000, she found her niche in the Talent (Human Resources) department. Due to her ability to be extremely detail-oriented, dependable, and efficient, Nicole continued to grow her responsibilities and skills within the department.

Even though her career continued to grow, Nicole aspired for more. She made the decision to continue her education and enrolled at the College of St. Scholastica to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Management and Organized Behavior. She attended school while working full-time and being a doting mother of four young children. Thanks to her grit and determination, she graduated in 2011.

“I didn’t care if it meant taking one class at a time. I told myself that I was going to graduate, no matter what,” Nicole explains. “It was important for me to do better for my family,” she continued.

After more than 20 years of experience within the Talent department, it would have been easy to stay the course. But those who know Nicole know she’s never one to back down from a new challenge. So, when she saw an open position within the legal department, she bravely jumped at the chance to try something new.

Today, Nicole is the executive legal coordinator for MLCV. The core responsibility for the role is to oversee the contract administration process for MLCV and all the other businesses within the portfolio. She is the liaison between vendors and the organization to ensure contracts are executed properly.

“It’s totally out of the norm, after working in human resources for so long to completely change, not only the department that I worked in, but to change the fields. I saw an opportunity to grow the role and make it my own,” says Nicole.

In less than a year, Nicole has already accomplished her goal of making the role her own. She has been asked to work on special projects along with her role’s regular duties. Two of those special projects are the annual leadership conferences that MLCV hosts — the National Leadership Development Conference and the MLCV Leadership Conference.

“My days always vary. I am enjoying learning the different processes and meeting new people that I haven’t had the chance to work with before. I also get to help others by sharing what I have learned,” she says.

While Nicole has an accomplished career, it is her role as a mother that she holds as close to her heart as her biggest achievement. Nicole and her husband, Robbie Sawyer (SLOTCO COO), are proud parents to seven children. Ashley, Justine, Kylee, Breya, Alivia, Deacon, and Peyten are her driving force in life. “My children mean the world to me. They give me the drive to do better for myself and for them,” shares Nicole.

Perhaps the most exciting new adventure Nicole has undertaken is becoming grandma to Trey (2) and Carson (1). As with her children, Nicole cherishes her relationship with her two young grandsons. “I get to see them every day. I either go to them, or they come over. If I don’t see them, we FaceTime,” she says joyfully.

“One of the reasons I love working for MLCV is that we are truly a family-first company. I get to be present with my kids and grandkids,” she explains. Now that her children are starting their careers, they seem to be following in their mom and dad’s footsteps.

Currently, Justine works for the Band in the human resources department, Kylee works in the Urban office, and Breya works in food and beverage at Grand Casino. Alivia has her sights set on becoming a junior ambassador.

“I know they want to further their schooling, too. After that, I see one or two of them joining the organization,” says Nicole. As they prepare to take the next steps in their professional careers, Nicole has some wise insights that apply to everyone.

“As you get older, you see how fast life is, so it is important to stay open-minded to change and opportunities,” she says. Through experience, Nicole knows how important being a life-long learner is and encourages the next generation to do the same: “Show up every day and learn all you can.”

The positive example Nicole sets is felt in the office, but more importantly, at home. The love for her family continues to drive Nicole to exceed personally and professionally. As an organization, we are lucky to be a part of Nicole’s journey and look forward to seeing where her talents take her next.


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